About Us

The Cedar Schools, has been established with the sole purpose of delivering quality holistic education. This is an education platform, an agent of change with focus on learning and desire on transformation.

Our Mission :

Educate, Edify, Empower

Our Vision :

To develop productive, passionate and patriotic citizens showcasing excellence, empathy and servitude.

Our three step approach will be:

• Technology based learning
• Holistic development
• Learning by doing

Our Core Values: PRFCT

• Peaceful
• Respectful
• Faithful
• Compassionate
• Trustworthy

We are proud to be an CISCE school in the luscious state of Andhra Pradesh. We endeavour to offer the students in our care a chance at the best education. We are aware of the various curricula offered the world over. We realise that ICSE offers the best in terms of quality and opportunity.

The present generation students are instilled a Reverence for education at Cedar. We strongly believe in ‘Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it’. Being an CISCE school will can shape the children to become strong and empathic leaders is essential. We believe that ICSE curriculum has a balance of Education and training. A balance which will allow a child to gain an education and grow as an individual with good morals.

We desire to make The Cedar Schools one of the best schools in the city of destiny, striving towards excellence. We would love to be a school that provides ICSE curriculum and delivers productive citizens who bring about change and leave their mark in this world.